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Toolboxes, Best Management Practices, and other Resources

Best practices for revegetation along the Jordan River following control of invasive plant species (2024)
Best practices to control non-native, invasive Phragmites
within the Jordan River Corridor (2024)
Best practices to control non-native, invasive Russian olive
and tamarisk within the Jordan River Corridor (2024)
Best Practices for Riverfront Communities - Jordan River Commission (2013)
Urban Small Sites Best Management Practice Manual – Minnesota Metropolitan Council
Screen Shot 2015-01-13 at 4.07.42 PMPrepare to Launch! Guidelines For Assessing, Designing & Building Access Sites For Carry-In Watercraft - National Park Service RTCA Program and River Management.org
An Introduction and User’s Guide to Wetland Restoration, Creation, and Enhancement: A Guide for Citizens
Conservation Buffers: Design Guidelines for Buffers, Corridors and Greenways – USDA
Technical and Scientific Considerations for Upland and Riparian Buffer Strips in the Section 404 Permit Process – USACE
Habitat Friendly Development Practices Brochure – City of Beaverton
Technical Note: Planting Willows in Rip Rap – NRCS
Greenway Guides – Dutchess County, New York
BMPs for Western Stream Riparian Ecosystem Protection
Identification Key for Willows, Cottonwoods, Alder, Birch and Dogwood - NRCS
Wetland Plants: Function, Adaptation, and Relationship to Water Levels - NRCS
How to Manipulate Water in New, Restored, or Enhanced Wetland - NRCS
Guidance Document for Stormwater Management in the Jordan River Corridor - University of Utah, Jordan River Commission
Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Alternatives: A Case Study of Riverbend Golf Course, Riverton, Utah -Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Salt Lake County Natural Areas Plan Standards and Operations Manual (weed management techniques)
Utah State University Extension - Firewise plant information
Center for Watershed Protection (low impact development; stormwater management)
Plants to use in Salt Lake City's Riparian Corridors - Salt Lake City Public Utilities
Low Impact Development (LID) “Barrier Busters” Fact Sheet Series
EPA - Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for Construction Activities (Guidelines and Resources)
SWPPP Template (PDF)
How to Prepare a SWPPP - Salt Lake County (PDF)
Best Management Practices (BMPs) - Salt Lake County
Ty harrison seed mix coverTy Harrison Suggested Restoration Seed Mixes
Radius Stormwater coverRadius Engineering Inc. Stormwater Presentation
weed management plan cover2013 Open Space / Natural Lands Integrated Weeds Management Plan
recovery watershed plan coverUtah's Recovery Potential Watershed Planning Tool
bioretention xeric climates coverBioretention Design for Xeric Climates Based on Ecological Principles
landowner wetland guide coverA Landowner's Guide to Utah Wetlands
slc stream guide coverSalt Lake County Stream Care Guide
BP bird nestingMigratory Bird Conservation Actions for Projects to Reduce the Risk of Take during the
Nesting Season
hong cover imageHow to Manipulate Water in a New, Restored or Enhanced Wetland to Encourage Wetland Plant Establishment. J. Chris Hoag. 2007