Wear It Away


Weathering & Erosion

5th Science Core: 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3

Learn about weathering and erosion and how it affects our Jordan River. One of the challenges facing the Jordan River is eroding stream banks due to the un-natural channelization and straightening of the river corridor.  This causes excess sediment in the water and adversely impacts water quality and the health of the river. Using a model, we will pour water over three different “landscapes” and explore how different types of land and vegetative cover affect erosion and water quality. Which type of land cover results in the most or least erosion? What sort of erosion happens in the Jordan River corridor? How do you think we can slow erosion and protect water quality in the Jordan River?

Next, we will explore the Jordan River corridor in a guided eco-walk.  Students will look for evidence of erosion in the landscape, and we will explore the different strategies that land managers are using to prevent erosion along the banks of the river.  We will talk about both the Jordan River Parkway and our urban landscape, and identify ways we can reduce storm water runoff and prevent erosion and water quality impacts. Looking through real binoculars, we’ll also try to spot common plants and animals with the help of a field guide. All our observations will be recorded in a field journal.



Check Out/Schedule:

Check out the teaching toolkit for use in your classroom or schedule a walking field trip to the Jordan River with one of our educators!  Please fill out this sign-up form and email it to Erin at  If you have questions, refer to our FAQ page, or feel free to give us a call!

