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Welcome to Erin Mounce

We are thrilled to welcome our newest Jordan River Commission team member, Erin Mounce.   Erin joined us at the first of this year as an Americorps member through the Utah Conservation Corps, and is serving as the JRC’s Volunteer and Environmental Education Coordinator.

Erin is a native New Yorker and avid outdoors person, who has found a new home in Utah and within the Jordan River Commission. She graduated in 2014 with a degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Connecticut. Since then she has worked around the country pursuing seasonal positions related to environmental education, trail maintenance and volunteer coordination.

Erin is excited to start working with volunteers within the Wasatch Valley and share in their enthusiasm for the Jordan River. We hope that you will consider joining Erin in monthly volunteer events along the Jordan River Parkway on the first Saturday morning of every month.  These monthly events will start in April and continue through November.

Feel free to reach out to Erin at jordanrivercommission@gmail.com with questions about volunteering or to schedule your own group volunteer event.