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The McGillis School Water Symposium


Last Tuesday, the Jordan River Commission was invited to The McGillis School Water Symposium, where an intelligent group of 5th graders focused specifically on the Jordan River! They showed off their knowledge about the river through painting, PowerPoint presentations, songs, comic strips, quizzes and 3-D models of the Jordan River Watershed! They learned about the river during school, on a 2 hour field trip to Fred and Ila Rose Fife Wetland Preserve with Jordan River Commission staff, and in their own time after school. The students were above and beyond for their project, and were eager to share their knowledge with the parents, teachers and siblings who attended the Symposium event. Other student groups highlighted daylighting efforts with the Seven Canyons Trust, water quality, the Red Butte Oil Spill, the Great Salt Lake, and more!

We especially want to say thank you to the students of McGillis who raised $176.22 through donations, raffles and art auctions, and generously decided to donate to the Jordan River Commission!

It was a marvelous eventĀ and we are honored to have been a part of it, and the recipient of this unexpected donation. Great job McGillis School!