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Take the H2Oath to Conserve Water

The Utah Division of Water Resources is pleased with the hundreds of Utah Citizens who have taken H2Oath: Utah’s Water-Wise Pledge.

The Division is upping the stakes through the “H2Oath Thirst Games,” A competition that will land four water-wise cities a $5,000 water conservation grant. The H2Oath can be taken at water.utah.gov/H2Oath or at the mobile-friendly https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/H2Oath.

The competition will run from August 15 through Sept. 15, 2016. The winners will be announced soon after. The H2Oath Thirst Games are simple.

  1.  Cities have been categorized into four groups based on population, so smaller cities are not competing directly with metropolitan areas.

First Category – 100,000 or more
Second Category – 65,000 – 99,999
Third Category – 30,000 – 64,999
Fourth Category – 1 – 29,999

2.  The H2Oath has an option to select which city the pledge taker is from.

3.  The cities’ with the largest percent of citizen H2Oath takers in each population category will be awarded a $5,000 water conservation grant and win the H2Oath Thirst Games!

“We hope cities will reach out to their citizens via social media, city newsletters, websites, announcements in city council meeting and any other way they can think of. We also hope there is some friendly competition among cities, including a little trash talk,” Faye Rutishauser, DWRe’s new State Water Conservation Coordinator said.

A map showing which cities are in the lead will be updated weekly during the competition, and will be available at water.utah.gov/H2Oath. The division will also publish the updates via Facebook and Twitter.

“One of the keys to water conservation progress in Utah is not a top down approach; instead it is bottom up. We feel retailers and cities will bring practical water conservation solutions and innovation that work for their communities. We want to empower them to do so,” Rutishauser said.