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Completion of the Jordan River Parkway

 On a brisk Saturday morning, November 18th, the Jordan River Commission helped celebrate the completion of the Jordan River Parkway Trail with the ribbon-cutting on North Temple Bridge. This bridge, which crosses over railroad tracks and utility lines, was an ambitious undertaking and after years of planning, it’s finally complete.

As runners started their 5k race around 1700S on the parkway, spectators gathered on the new bridge to await the winner. Evan George finished in first place, officially cutting the ribbon on the beautiful new bridge.

Jordan River Commission Representative, Councilmember Chris McCandless of Sandy City, spoke passionately about the Jordan River Commission and the Jordan River Parkway. Talk of the parkway began decades ago in the 1970’s, but the Blueprint Jordan River brought the Parkway back into focus and created a vision of the Parkway as a ribbon tying together communities, neighborhoods, businesses, schools and parks.

Mayor Ben McAdams, Representative Sandra Hollins, Councilman Kyle LaMalfa and Chairman Stan Penfold were also among the audience during the race and ribbon cutting, as well as representatives from Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Department of Natural Resources, Forestry Fire and State Lands, Rocky Mountain Power, Department of Environmental Quality, and many more. Those in attendance marked only a small percentage of the many citizens, stakeholders and officials who made this bridge and this Parkway possible. The Jordan River Parkway symbolizes the great accomplishments we can have when our cities, counties, state and citizens work together to achieve a common goal.

We encourage you to get out and see the bridge, ride your bike from Davis County to Utah County without interruptions, check out the water trail, and enjoy the ever-improving Jordan River and Jordan River Parkway!

To see or read more about the bridge – check out these links:



Evan George finishes in first place in a 5K race, cutting the ribbon for the official opening of the Jordan River Trail Bridge in Salt Lake City on Saturday, Nov. 18, 2017.