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Porter’s Landing Boat Takeout

  The Jordan River Commission is happy to help announce the City of North Salt Lake is currently constructing the first formal boat takeout location along the Jordan River at 50 South Jordan River Drive. The facility, named Porter’s Landing Boat Takeout, is at the “end of the line” on the Jordan River (just prior […]

Welcome to Erin Mounce

We are thrilled to welcome our newest Jordan River Commission team member, Erin Mounce.   Erin joined us at the first of this year as an Americorps member through the Utah Conservation Corps, and is serving as the JRC’s Volunteer and Environmental Education Coordinator. Erin is a native New Yorker and avid outdoors person, who […]

Urban Rangers Program

We could not be more proud of the amazing work done this Fall by the Wasatch Front Urban Ranger Program at the University of Utah, Department of Parks Recreation and Tourism. Thanks to these students, volunteers and faculty for organizing and implementing this “trail hosting” effort on the Jordan River Trail. Thank you also to […]

2017 Annual Report

2016 was another banner year for the Jordan River Commission. We are pleased to share this Annual Report, and would like to express our thanks to all the many individuals and organizations that work to help to restore, protect and enhance the Jordan River Parkway.

Internship Opportunity

  The Jordan River Commission (JRC) seeks a highly motivated individual with a background in environmental education and/or youth and outdoor to develop and administer outreach and activities that connect diverse communities urban natural lands. The position is an individual placement AmeriCorps Member position through the Utah Conservation UCC) – www.usu/edu/ucc/. The individual must complete 1,700 hours of service; […]