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Coming soon! – Jordan River Trail Map

Watch for the new Jordan River Parkway Trail Map! Developed through a grant from the National Park Service’s Rivers and Trails Conservation Assistance Program, the first ever printed pocket trail map for the Jordan River Parkway Trail will soon be available. The map will include information about trailheads, parking, restrooms, drinking fountains, trail detours, equestrian […]

Be a Weed Warrior

Salt Cedar Tamarix Ramosissima This invasive, commonly known as tamarisk, can grow from 6 to 26 feet tall. Between March and  September it blooms small pink or white flower buds. Orgininally introduced in the early 1800’s as an ornamental plant, the tamarisk shrub has become a big problem along Utah’s water ways. The plant reproduces […]

Request for Proposals

The Commission is currently seeking an interdisciplinary consulting team to lead a collaborative process to develop best management practices and guidelines to guide the planning, regulation, and management of riparian corridors.  The anticipated deliverables include: A Project Management Plan that meets the requirements of the funding source. See DWQ Management Plan Template link below A Best Practices for […]

$1.1 Million Secured for Jordan River Parkway Trail Completion

The Jordan River Commission, and the cities of West Jordan and Sandy are pleased to announce that $1.1 million in State funding has been secured for the completion of a gap in the Jordan River Parkway trail in Sandy and West Jordan.  Of the 45-mile Jordan River Parkway Trail, only 3.5 miles currently remain incomplete.  Once all […]

Welcome Salt Lake City!

  The Jordan River Commission is pleased to welcome Salt Lake City as its newest member.  Salt Lake City’s municipal boundaries include 7.9 miles of Jordan River corridor (or 15.8 total miles of streambank), more than any other city along the river.  This new addition strengthens opportunities coordination and collaboration along the entire length of the Jordan […]

Help Complete the Jordan River Parkway Trail

Please contact your state legislators and ask for their support in completing the trail system. The Jordan River Commission is currently working with state legislators to identify funding to help complete a missing segment of the Jordan River Parkway Trail in the West Jordan and Sandy area. Completing this entire trail segment is expected to […]