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Ribbon cutting

  Please join Salt Lake County this Thursday as they celebrate completion of the Little Confluence Open Space project. Purchased by Salt Lake County in 2010, the property was home to invasive species like Russian Olive and Tamarisk, as well as transient camps and illegal activity.  The area has been cleared of both, and now […]

Birding By Ear

  Have you ever wondered what bird sings outside your window? Join Tracy Aviary for their Birding by Ear workshop; a fun and interactive series where learning and fun combine to help you develop auditory skills to identify common Utah birds by ear. Through this workshop you will learn the songs of many birds found in Utah, gain tips […]

Draft Strategic Plan

  The Jordan River Commission is pleased to share a draft of its first organizational strategic plan. Strategic planning is the process by which leaders of an organization determine what they intend the organization to be in the future and the steps it will take to arrive there. This process involves developing a vision for the organization’s future […]

2015 Legislative Session

  The Jordan River had a big year in this legislative session! Look forward to trail construction, bank stabilization, invasive vegetation control, and boater navigational hazard mitigation and more!

Looking for the perfect gift?

Make a tax-deductible donation to the Jordan River Commission and be a part of the Jordan River restoration movement this holiday season!   Adopt a Goathead Weevil ($0.50) Be the proud parent of a goathead weevil and help eradicate puncturevine from the Parkway Trail.  We’ll send you a “No More Goatheads” sticker that you can proudly […]