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Bank Stabilization Grant Opportunity

The Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands (FFSL) is offering a $50,000 bank stabilization grant that requires a 1:1 match. FFSL is interested in funding bank restoration projects that improve fish and wildlife habitat, aquatic beauty, public recreation, water quality, and protection of infrastructure. Click here for the grant application. Projects will be ranked based upon the following categories:

    • – Demonstrated need for the project.
    • – Use of appropriate methodology for project location.
    • – Secured matching funds.
    • – Applicant demonstrates the ability to carry out the project, and expend all grant funds by June 2018.
    • – Committed project partners.


Please submit the grant application and any questions to:

Ben Stireman
Sovereign Lands Analyst
Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands
1594 West North Temple
P.O. Box 145703
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-5703