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April Blueprint Focus: Habitat, and Natural Systems; Water and the River

April Blueprint Focus: 

Protecting and preserving natural areas, as well as improvement of water quality have remained a consistent public priority for the Jordan River Commission as the original Blueprint plan to the Refresh.  Below you will find the Goals and Action Plans found in the Blueprint that are related to Habitat and Natural Systems as well as Water and the River.  To get more information on each of these, check out the complete Blueprint document

Habitat and Natural Systems:

Goal: Protect and preserve natural open spaces

1. Develop Access Restrictions Based On Site Sensitivity 

2. Create And Enforce Development Limits In Natural Open Spaces

3. Use Regulatory Tools To Limit The Impacts Of Development Within The Corridor

Goal: Optimize habitats and natural ecosystems

1. Support Desirable , Native , And Biodiverse Ecosystems

2. Develop Monitoring And Evaluation Plans

3. Restore Quality Habitat For Wildlife

4. Develop An Education Outreach Program For Land Managers

5. Provide Resources To Landowners

6. Develop Robust Adaptive Management Strategies

7. Enhance Coordination Between Entities Along The River

8. Take Advantage Of Available Funding Sources To Support Habitat And Ecosystem Management Strategies


Goal: Use a coordinated watershed approach to improve water quality

1. Better Understand The Water Quality Conditions Of The River

2. Support Sewer Improvement Programs To Improve Water Quality In The River

3. Focus On Utah Lake Water Inputs To The River

4. Integrate Creeks And Canals Into Water Management Planning

5. Manage Agriculture And Landscaping Runoff

6. Manage Urban Runoff And Stormwater

Goal: Manage river flows for natural river function

1. Maintain Suitable Water Levels To Support Aquatic And Riparian Habitats

2. Minimize Disruptive Flood Flows And Rapid Changes In Flow Rates Out Of Utah Lake

3. Improve Flood Conveyance Capacity

Goal: Enhance the hydrological function of the river

1. Develop Better Understanding Of The Hydrological Functions Of The River

2. Restore The River’s “Meander Corridor” Or “Floodplain Corridor” Where Possible

3. Stabilize Riverbanks Where Needed