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Is it safe to recreate in Jordan River?

Questions and answers about  harmful algal blooms in Utah Lake and Jordan River with Teresa Gray from the Salt Lake County Health Department



Q – Is it safe to recreate in or near the Jordan River?

A – Currently, we have a “Caution” on the Jordan River. This means that you should avoid areas of scum when boating, keep pets away, do not drink the water, and not swim. The levels in the Jordan River are low currently but levels are above the limit in Utah Lake. There are still high by the narrows. The results we received on Saturday look really good. The protocol suggests two clean samples before lifting the notice.
Q – Is it safe to go boating in the river? How about helping to pull trash out of the river?

A – It depends on what section of the river you’re in. Cyanobacteria levels are highest near the Jordan River Narrows area in Utah County. Currently, anything north of 9000 South is below the limit and we have not found toxins in the water.  We should have the signs removed north of that area.  It should not be a concern.  I just received the results of samples taken on 8-31-16.  The narrows total was still  29,986 CFU.  That section will still have the caution signs.
Q – Where can people find out more information?

A – They can call me, Teresa Gray, at 385-468-3862. The Utah Division of Water Quality also updates this website weekly with current water sampling data: http://deq.utah.gov/Pollutants/H/harmfulalgalblooms/bloom-2016/utah-lake-jordan-river/index.htm