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Birding By Ear



Have you ever wondered what bird sings outside your window? Join Tracy Aviary for their Birding by Ear workshop; a fun and interactive series where learning and fun combine to help you develop auditory skills to identify common Utah birds by ear. Through this workshop you will learn the songs of many birds found in Utah, gain tips to remember different species, and better understand the value of urban birds for our metropolitan community.

Citizen scientists working with Tracy Aviary have been collecting data from several restoration sites along the Jordan River.  This valuable information is being used to inform restoration project planning, design, and implementation throughout the river corridor.

Register here for this great educational opportunity.


Workshop Schedule

Friday, May 8 | 5:00 – 7:00 PM Indoor Session, Tracy Aviary

Saturday, May 9 | 8:00 – 10:00 AM Field Trip Session, Liberty Park (meet at Tracy Aviary Visitors’ Center)

Saturday, May 23 | 8:00 – 10:00 AM Field Trip Session, City Creek Canyon (meet at City Creek Canyon Road)

Saturday, May 30 | 5:00 – 7:00 PM Workshop Celebration & Evaluation, Tracy Aviary

Registration closes April 30, 2015!