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Let’s Go Birding Together + Latino Conservation Week

September 21 at 9:00 am

Hosted by The Nature Center at Pia Okwai by Tracy Aviary

Join us for a casual, guided bird walk along the Jordan River Parkway especially for LGBTQIA+ folks and our allies. This special edition of Let’s Go Birding Together is part of our celebration of Latino Conservation Week!

No bird watching experience? No problem! Our educators and conservation scientists are experienced bird nerds and will help you spot and identify birds along the trail. We’ll even have freshly-sanitized binoculars and bird guides for you to borrow (Thanks, Utah Division of Arts & Museums, for funding these tools!).

The grounds of the nature center and the section of the Jordan River Parkway we’ll be exploring are wheelchair accessible. Please contact us if you would like more accessibility information!

We’re not the only people around the country hosting Let’s Go Birding Together walks! You can read more about the start of Let’s Go Birding Together here.