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2015 Legislative Session



The Jordan River had a big year in this legislative session!

Look forward to trail construction, bank stabilization, invasive vegetation control, and boater navigational hazard mitigation and more!

1.  HCR5  – Concurrent Resolution allowing State Agencies to sign JRC ILA

This resolution passed through the system easily and the JRC is very excited to have DNR join DEQ as a full member of the Commission.

2.  HB362  Transportation Infrastructure Funding

This bill includes a local sales tax option that if placed on the ballot and approved by voters could provide funding to a narrowly defined set of active transportation facilities including the Jordan River Parkway Trail.

3.  $1,000,000 – one-time appropriation for Jordan River/Utah Lake Improvements

To be split with the Utah Lake Commission, the Jordan River will receive $500,000 of this. The JRC Governing Board has yet to discuss the allocation of these funds. The intent language includes a 3:1 non-state match.

4.  $30,000 – ongoing funding for the Jordan River Commission

This funding comes from the Division of Forestry Fire and State Lands (FFSL) Restricted Account, and is intended to support the hiring of staff for the JRC.

5.  $50,000 –  ongoing funding for Jordan River Bank Stabilization 

Again from the Division of FFSL, this is intended to fund a 1:1 local matching grant program for bank stabilization and erosion control projects along the river.

6.  $150,000 – one-time funding for Navigational Hazard Mitigation

Again from the Division of FFSL, this funding will support local efforts to mitigate boater navigational hazards on the Jordan River, making the river safer for all to enjoy.

7.  LeRay McAllister Critical Land Conservation Fund

The only disappointment for the Jordan River. Despite JRC lobbying and the appropriations subcommittee recommending $350,000 in one-time funds for this program, no funds were appropriated for general grants.  However, the program did receive $1,000,0000 with very specific intent language for sage grouse habitat projects.  This is a good step in the right direction and opens the door for future years.