Public Policy & Regional Coordination

One of the Jordan River Commission’s purposes is to provide a forum for coordination and collaboration surrounding the Jordan River.  This is accomplished through several ways:  monthly meetings, sharing resources through our website, a quarterly newsletter, project-based collaborations, and through public policy efforts.

The Jordan River Commission Governing Board and Technical Advisory Committee members are active participants in local planning and policy development processes. We regularly work with local governments as they develop new ordinances, update master plans, and review proposals for new projects or developments. Our goal is not to tell an individual city or county what to do, but instead to provide the tools, resources and information they need to make the very best decisions for both the Jordan River and their local communities.

Our public policy efforts have included:

  • Bringing together dozens of local, state, federal and community stakeholders each month to discuss issues and opportunities facing the river
  • Developing a set of guidelines for local governments wanting to adopt a riparian corridor protection ordinance, found in Appendix B of the Best Practices for Riverfront Communities toolbox
  • Stakeholder input into dozens of local comprehensive and site planning efforts
  • Small grant support for local government small area plans affecting the river
  • State lobbying efforts help to secure $2.45 million in funding for trails and active transportation facilities, navigational hazard mitigation, conservation easement open space acquisition programs, and water quality improvements.